About me......

I am a 20 something wife and food lover. I love food in all forms and I have a passion for living a healthy balanced life. I love to sing (loudly), read, and cook yummy food for my husband. 

My husband and I are both full time shift workers, so time together is precious, and sleep is in short supply. I love cats and have two of them, but they are staying with my mum while we look for a house to buy. They are two very spoilt cats who are the King and Queen of mum's house!!

Exercise is very important to me and I love every form of it. I love to run, walk, crossfit, dancing, anything that works up a sweat!! 

After years of agonising over food, exercise, eat this, don't eat that, I reached a point where enough is enough!!! No more diets, no more hunger, no more binges, no more guilt!

I would love nothing more than to help those struggling with these issues to find what works for them, and to find happiness and balance within themselves. I suffered from eating disorders for many years, and while I have personal knowledge and experience I am not a trained professional to help with these issues.

I love to cook and especially love to bake! But the processed and sugar laden goods that I so love, don't fuel your body as food should. So while there are some things that no substitute will do ( my mother in laws carrot cake with cream cheese icing - yum!! ) there are some everyday yummy foods that can be made clean and delicious so you never go without.

This blog will follow my life and share my yummy recipes and exercise tips for a happy life, and would love to hear from anyone who wants to share their tips with me! Happy reading,

Grace xxx

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